In the book, ACE YOUR LEGACY, Tola wrote about the benefit of having a mentor and the joy of being one. There is no greater honor than having a front-row seat to someone else’s life, to play midwife to someone else’s dream, and to help cheer on the efforts of another. This is an avenue for Tola Joseph to give back, to reciprocate the gesture that was accorded to him, and to pay forward the kindness of a stranger.
It is often said that to appreciate a mentor, one must commit to being one. It is the cycle of life; the student becomes the teacher. Tola want to see that his life experience is invested in another’s and to become a source of joy and support for someone else. This is the greatest investment of all. As Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Tola would like to contribute to your growth. Find out more about Tola’s mentoring process and requirement.